Medical Gas Pipe Repair & Replacement in New Haven County, CT

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In the hospital and medical settings, a problem with a gas line means a host of problems. Just like when you turn on a water faucet and nothing or compromised water comes out, the natural reaction is to panic. After all, some of your patients depend on oxygen, medical vacuums, and medical air. When those are suddenly unavailable, things can go wrong in a hurry, to say the least.

Accuray Mechanical is an experienced plumbing company serving New Haven County. We can assist you with any and all repairs regarding medical gas piping. Since we realize the gravity of the situation, we’ll be over to begin the job as soon as possible. Our knowledgeable team will be able to quickly find the problem, so you can have things back to normal sooner. In addition, the quality of our work is second to none, as is that of our customer service.


Call When You Need Us

In addition to medical gas piping repairs, Accuray Mechanical can take care of inspecting your medical gas piping, helping to prevent problems from popping up in the first place. We very much appreciate the jobs and duties performed by hospital and medical personnel, so we want to do our part to help them carry out those jobs and duties.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 


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